Allowed biweekly events in FWCAddEvent, and weekly and biweekly highlights in FWCalendar. See Highlights, FWCAddEvent, and Prefs & Data for more information.
Added support for alternate graphics applications (in particular, ImageDTInfo by D�maso Dom�nguez). See Images for more information.
Added support for PostScript images. See Images for more information.
Added support for date.library by Kai Hofmann to be used rather than rexxmathlib.library.
Allowed various backgrounds to be transparent.
variable - The font to be used for printing
extras (sunrise/sunset, julian/julian left, weeknumber) text.
variable - Adjusts the size of the extras text
(sunrise/sunset, julian/julian left, weeknumber) by shrinking it or enlarging
it relative to the font size used for highlights. A value less than 1 will shrink
the text, while a value greater than 1 will enlarge the text.
variable - Adjusts the amount of space between each
line, expressed as a percentage of the font height. A leading of 100 (%) would
mean the top of line 2 would be even with the top of line 1. A leading of 120
would mean the top of line 2 would be 20% of the font height below line 1. This
is especially useful with PageStream which would normally default to a setting
of 120% and results in lines looking very far apart on the calendar.
variable - To maximize the amount of text (highlight or
event) that will fit on a line, FWCalendar and FWCAddEvent will
attempt to compress the line. This variable limits the extent of that
compression. A setting of 100 (%) would mean no compression is allowed, while a
setting of 80 would allow text to be compressed to as small as 80% of its normal
The format for the FWCAddEvent data file has changed. Sorry, but the change was necessary to accomodate the option to select the text color at the time the event is added.
Note especially addition of SunCalcPath
, DoSunRise
, and DoSunSet
variables, and deletion of DoSunCalc
See the new values for "extras" variables (DoPhases
, DoSunRise
, DoSunSet
, etc).
variable - Multiplier used on calculated date-font
width to increase or decrease the date-font width.
variable - Multiplier used on calculated date-font
height to increase or decrease the date-font height.
BGUI is used for all requesters. bgui.library and rexxbgui.library are REQUIRED. rexxreqtools.library is no longer used.
MUIRexx, Gui4CLI, Beep, and PeekQual are no longer used.
Dates outside the range Jan 1, 1978 - Dec 31, 2099 allowed (see Y2K and Dates).
variable - Indicates the MAXIMUM number of FWCAddEvent
text rows to be allowed for each day (the actual usable value is usually one or
two less than this). This variable is used in determining the height of the
FWCAddEvent text (the larger the value, the smaller the point size of the FWCAddEvent
variable - Indicates the MAXIMUM number of
Highlight text rows to be allowed for each day (the actual usable value is
usually one or two less than this). This variable is used in determining the
height of the Highlight text (the larger the value, the smaller the point size
of the Highlight text).
variable - designates a hot key for the Event text box
in the FWCAddEvent requester.
Empty boxes can be added with the FWCAddEvent macro (the "Box" setting MUST be checked).
, Reset$
, VarGUITitle$
variables added; MonthOrYear$
, YearSelect$
, EnterMonth$
, MonthUnknown$
variables removed.